Disability Assistance
Disability Fact: 56 million Americans, or 1-in-5, live with disabilities.
Thirty-eight million disabled Americans, or 1-in-10, live with severe disabilities.
Disability is something many Americans, especially younger people, think can only affect the lives of other people. Tragically, thousands of young people are seriously injured or killed, often as the result of traumatic events. Many serious medical conditions, such as cancer or mental illness, can affect the young as well as the elderly. The sobering fact for 20-year-olds, insured for disability benefits, is that more than 1-in-4 of them becomes disabled before reaching retirement age. As a result, they may need to rely on the Social Security disability benefits for income support.
Independent Living Assistance
Aging & Disability Resource Guide
Community Developmental Disability Organization
Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services
Information and Technical Services on the American with Disabilities Act
Kansas Judicial Branch
Americans with Disabilities Act (Title II) Grievance Procedure
Caregiver at home support:
The Home and Community Based Services Frail Elderly (FE) program provides an option for Kansas seniors who receive Medicaid and qualify functionally to receive community based services as an alternative to nursing facility care. Services include personal care, household tasks, and health services. The program promotes independence within the community and helps to offer residency in the most integrated environment.
Care Recipient Eligibility:
To be eligible for the FE program individuals must meet the following criteria:
- Must be 65 years old
- Meet Medicaid income eligibility guidelines
- Meet the Medicaid long-term care threshold
Caregiver Eligibility:
(785) 296-4986
(800) 432-3535 (in Kansas only)
TTY Number: (785) 291-3167
Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services
Provides online information about community resources available to residents of Kansas, including medical assistance, financial assistance, and mental health services.
* Information is also available online in Spanish, German, Vietnamese, Russian, Hmong, Lao, Somali, Swahili, Arabic, and Persian.
Care Recipient Eligibility:
Eligibility varies by program
Caregiver Eligibility:
Eligibility varies by program
(888) 369-4777
TTY: (785) 296-1491
Home and Community Based Services
Government program offers assistance to low income individuals age 16 to 64 with disabilities to maintain their independence by helping to pay for home and community based services including:
- Information and referral
- In-home care
- Assistive technology services
- Home modifications
- Personal emergency response
- Independent living counseling
- Supplemental services
Care Recipient Eligibility:
Multiple requirements:
- Individuals age 16 - 64
- Individuals with any type of disability
- Require nursing level of care
- Low income (Medicaid eligible)
Caregiver Eligibility:
(785) 296-4986
Kansas Home Care Association (KHCA)
Association of in-home care providers. Its website allows users to search for providers by county.
Care Recipient Eligibility:
Caregiver Eligibility:
(785) 478-3640
Kansas Hospice and Palliative Care Organization
Provides information about hospice and palliative care. Its website provides a directory that allows users to locate providers in their communities.
Care Recipient Eligibility:
Caregiver Eligibility:
(316) 207-1764
Statewide Independent Living Council of Kansas (SILCK)
A network of non-profit, non-residential, community-based centers, run and controlled by persons with disabilities that offer:
- Information and referral
- Peer counseling
- Care management
- Independent living skills training
- Individual and systems change advocacy
- Benefits counseling
- Employment readiness training
- Housing referrals
- Assistive technology services
- Legal aid
Care Recipient Eligibility:
Adults with any type of disability
Caregiver Eligibility:
(785) 234-6990 (Voice/TTY)
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Waiver
Government program assists low income individuals age 16 to 65 with a diagnosis of TBI who require nursing level of care to remain independent in their own homes by providing help to pay for home and community based services including:
- Information and referral
- Care management
- In-home care
- Assistive technology services
- Home modifications
- Personal emergency response
- Independent living counseling
- Rehabilitation services
- Supplemental services
Care Recipient Eligibility:
Multiple requirements:
- Individuals age 16 - 65
- Diagnosis of traumatic brain injury
- Require nursing level of care
- Low income (Medicaid eligible)
Caregiver Eligibility:
Contact one of the following Managed Care Organization (MCO) to determine TBI program services available:
Amerigroup: (866) 305-5147 or TTY (800) 766-3777
Sunflower: (877) 644-4623
United Healthcare: (877) 542-9238, #771 for hearing impaired
Vocational Rehabilitation Services (VR)
Assists residents of Kansas with disabilities to obtain and retain employment. It provides information and referral services for independent living.
Care Recipient Eligibility:
Individuals with any type of disability
Caregiver Eligibility:
(913) 826-7520
ALJ Disposition Data
FY 2016 (For Reporting Purposes: 09/26/2015 through 07/29/2016)
A listing of hearings completion data by name of individual administrative law judges (ALJ) for all ALJs in ODAR. The data includes hearing office name, total dispositions, decisions, allowances, denials and fully favorable or partially favorable decisions.
Disability Resources
Introduction to KETCH
Since our beginning in 1964 the Kansas Elks Training Center for the Handicapped, Inc. (KETCH) has stood as a leader in the rehabilitation industry, serving more than 30,000 individuals with disabilities. Much has changed since then, but one thing remains the same—our commitment to help people with disabilities live and work in the community.
Our mission is to help people with disabilities live and work in the community. We believe that a persons disability should not overshadow their many capabilities. To meet our mission KETCH provides a wide array of services to help each person become as successful as possible.
Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services, www.cms.gov : federal agency that administers Medicare and Medicaid. Provides many resources and answers to questions related to Medicare coverage and policy.
The National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD) is dedicated to helping people with rare “orphan” diseases and assisting the organizations that serve them. NORD is committed to the identification, treatment, and cure of rare disorders through programs of education, advocacy, research, and service.
Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services Provides online information about community resources available to residents of Kansas, including medical assistance, financial assistance, and mental health services. * Information is also available online in Spanish, German, Vietnamese, Russian, Hmong, Lao, Somali, Swahili, Arabic, and Persian. Care Recipient Eligibility: Eligibility varies by program Caregiver Eligibility: Eligibility varies by program Kansas (888) 369-4777 TTY: (785) 296-1491 http://www.srs.ks.gov/Pages/Default.aspx Home and Community Based Services Government program offers assistance to low income individuals age 16 to 64 with disabilities to maintain their independence by helping to pay for home and community based services including: - Information and referral - In-home care - Assistive technology services - Home modifications - Personal emergency response - Independent living counseling - Supplemental services Care Recipient Eligibility: Multiple requirements: - Individuals age 16 - 64 - Individuals with any type of disability - Require nursing level of care - Low income (Medicaid eligible) Caregiver Eligibility: ___ Kansas (785) 296-4986 https://www.kdads.ks.gov/commissions/home-community-based-services-(hcbs)
Kansas Contact one of the following Managed Care Organization (MCO) to determine TBI program services available: Amerigroup: (866) 305-5147 or TTY (800) 766-3777 Sunflower: (877) 644-4623 United Healthcare: (877) 542-9238, #771 for hearing impaired https://www.kdads.ks.gov/commissions/home-community-based-services-(hcbs)/program-list/tramatic-brain-injury Vocational Rehabilitation Services (VR) Assists residents of Kansas with disabilities to obtain and retain employment. It provides information and referral services for independent living. Care Recipient Eligibility: Individuals with any type of disability Caregiver Eligibility: ___ Kansas (913) 826-7520 http://www.dcf.ks.gov/services/RS/Pages/Employment-Services
County-Specific Veterans Service Officer Contacts (VSO) Kansas (785) 296-3976
Kansas Commission on Veterans' Affairs Provides aged or disabled veterans with rehabilitative, residential and medical care and services. Also helps veterans and their families to present claims for veterans' benefits to the federal government and offers veterans low-cost loans to acquire farms and homes. Care Recipient Eligibility: Veterans who are residents of Kansas Caregiver Eligibility: Family members of a veteran Kansas Main: (785) 296-3976 Persian Gulf War Health Initiative: (800) 513-7731 http://www.kcva.org/
Kansas Partnership for Long-Term Care program Partnership between private insurance companies and the Kansas state government that allows people to purchase long term care insurance, through which some of their assets would be protected if they ever needed to apply for Medicaid. Care Recipient Eligibility: Anyone Caregiver Eligibility: ___ Kansas Kansas Insurance Dept: (800) 432-2484 Kansas Dept. on Aging: (800) 432-3535 http://www.ksinsurance.org/ltc-partnership-site/index.htm Medicaid Medicaid is a health insurance for people with limited income and resources. It pays for a variety of medical services, including in-home care or nursing home care, depending on eligibility. Care Recipient Eligibility: Must be low-income - based on specific government criteria Caregiver Eligibility: __ Kansas (785) 296-3981 or (800) 766-9012 https://www.kmap-state-ks.us/
Client Assistance Program (CAP) Government program advocates for the legal rights of people with disabilities and mental illness. Services include: - Information and referral - Legal advocacy - Education Care Recipient Eligibility: Adults with any type of disability *Eligibility may vary for specific services Caregiver Eligibility: Anyone Kansas Within Kansas, call: (877) 776-1541 TTY: (877) 335-3725 Outside Kansas, call: (785) 273-9661 http://www.drckansas.org
Long-Term Care Ombudsman Ombudsmen investigate complaints made by, or on behalf of, individual residents in long-term care facilities, including nursing homes and assisted living facilities. They also answer questions about the quality of care or financial, physical, or mental abuse in residential facilities. Care Recipient Eligibility: Resident in a long-term care facility Caregiver Eligibility: Anyone Kansas (785) 296 - 3017 (877) 662 - 8362 http://ombudsman.ks.gov/
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